Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Perfect Sunday Morning

It didn't start out that way.  Both boys woke up on the early side today - 6:15 instead of the usual 6:45 or 7.  The younger one spent his first night in his new room and big boy bed!  Instead of whining and complaining I decided to do something fun with the little monsters.  We made some monkey bread, but I took the easy way out.  I used frozen pizza dough instead of making the dough from scratch (an adventure I took at Christmas time which I will never do again - too much work!).  So I set one kid up with a bowl of buter, the other with a bowl of cinnamon sugar and I rolled little balls of pizza dough.  First we dip a ball in butter, then roll it in sugar, then throw it into a bundt pan.  Bake at 375 for about a half an hour.  Yum!  The boys loved it, and I enjoyed it with my coffee.  I've got to get my camera together so I can start taking pictures, though there's not much left to photograph at this point.

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