Saturday, March 24, 2007

Wine Country Fare

Today we took the Boogie and his brother on a picnic in the Napa Valley to celebrate his grandmother's 64th birthday. We made the usual stop at the Oakville Grocery to stock up on goodies and then headed to the Louis Martini winery for a tasting and a picnic. We tried several delicious wines, and my father bought an entire case of one. After the tasting we all sat outside and dug into the goods we had gotten at Oakville. I gave the Boogie a bunch of new treats to try. I started him off with a taste of salami which he loved. Then on to the cheese. I have an obsession with great cheese and I am hoping to pass it onto my boys. His first taste was a small bit of St Agur to which he replied, "don't like it!". Then I tried him on a taste of Brie de Meau, he gave this one more consideration but clearly wasn't wild about the somewhat pungent flavor. The next cheese was a small slice of Comte half of which he ate and half of which he spit out. Finally I gave him an aged Farm Gouda which is sweet and caramelly. He loved it! His lunch mainly consisted of the gouda, salami, sweet baguette from Acme bakery and an apple. Sounds good to me! For dessert I gave him a violet scented marshmallow stick and some chocolate covered raisins. Those were clearly the hits. More candy! More candy! He declared until it was all gone.

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